Needed: A Forty-Year Legacy, not Eight

Donald Trump has broken down major barriers simply by being elected president.

In the broadest sense of the term, his election was “historic” for it represented the first time in many generations that the people of the United States, as was always their power to do, reached up and took charge of their government despite all the urgings, warnings, and finally, threats and direct opposition from the people who had carved out a very comfortable existence inside government as the self-appointed supervisors for the people.

That took both courage and wisdom by the people.

How Donald Trump even got the opportunity to be allowed to take on this job is a story unto itself. But from the citizens’ perspective instead of from the government class’s, it was simply a matter of the people invoking a power that had always belonged exclusively to themselves; to throw down an entire government.

Call it the “nuclear option”, only it had laid dormant for so long the government class had almost forgotten the people had it.

A little history: For the first half of America’s existence, to around Reconstruction, nearly a century, the people didn’t need to use this nuclear option simply because everyone in government knew the people had it, and would likely use it, so minded their P’s and Q’s.

I call that our Classic Era, when the federal government was dirt poor and the federal payroll consisted of a few clerks, customs agents and the post office, which didn’t even print its first postage stamp until 1847.

After the Civil War, for a variety of reasons; industrialization, massive immigration of poor European laborers to fill the factories, and the attendant rise of a government class to tend to both, by the end of the 19th century, a growing state class took shape, which began to believe this nuclear option wasn’t safe in the hands of the people. In an evolutionary process natural to all bureaucracies, if allowed to survive that long, the state class began to believe the people no longer possessed this power of the nuclear option.

I’ll save this for serious historians to debate, but the operative element, the so-called “untutored” citizenry, were reminded of their constitutional power over the government because of those years of “usurpation” by the government such arrogance of power naturally breeds.

What was not foreseen that was the untutored people would re-educate themselves about their founding documents, about the powers the Constitution said they always possessed, as a matter of natural law. Anthropologists refer to this as “survival-enhancing behavior”, and it’s very powerful. I’ve even referred to this “risen citizenry” as the “intellectual successors to ‘National Review'”, a sight to behold, for the people do seem to have a natural instinct for understanding the Constitutional blueprint, which is purely American..

And it’s not mere coincidence that this occurred at almost the same time the government class began to stop believing this power of the nuclear option existed anymore.

The past two years have largely portrayed the extent of the state class’ resistance to the people exercising this re-discovered power.

Although I know Donald Trump knows these things, I wonder if he truly understands the significance of his election, for if he does he must have some idea of what must be done, not in six more years, but more like forty, to build and replace what must necessarily be torn down.

As the title implies, what Donald Trump has not tried has been to replace the old Washington political establishment with a new one, as conquerors and dictators always do, from Robespierre to Hitler, Stalin and Mao, (with whom Donald Trump has often been compared), but which, historically, had been the ambition of the Democratic Party since at least 1936.

Both George Washington in 1789 and Abraham Lincoln by 1865 understood they were ushering in a “great new thing” which meant that many of the foundations of government as people had known for years had to be swept away and replaced with something new.

Both planned to plow new ground with the full knowledge it was new ground. Only one succeeded.

Donald Trump is the next to have been handed the plow.

More Background:

Christ never wrote a word, yet He is the most written-about person in human history. (Hold that thought.)

George Washington also never really wrote a word, yet is among America’s most written-about. In fact, the first book written about Washington, soon after he died, fell into the hands of a young gangly kid in Kentucky in a log cabin. That book, even though filled with parables not quite true, set that young boy on a course that would cause him to take a new political party, and a not-quite-majority issue, that would cause America to purge itself of it’s “original sin”, only with blood since peaceful process clearly was not going to work. (h/t, Richard Brookhiser, former editor at National Review, possible NeverTrumper and very fine historian.)

Lincoln died of an assassin’s bullet before he could implement reconstruction and reconciliation “with malice toward and charity for all”, which would have required longer termed planning than Congress’ Reconstruction based largely on punishment. We can only guess how Lincoln’s design might have turned out.

Abraham Lincoln also never wrote a book, but, like Washington, many were written about him.

It would be nearly a century since Lincoln before Americans were able to fully understand what expanded government had devised for them, then another half century before the people would pause to take note of what America had ceded to this growing central authority in the process.

Our good fortune was that the Democratic Party, under Barack Obama, didn’t grab power fully when it had the opportunity, 2008-2012, and then, their fatal error, putting Hillary Clinton forward in 2016, giving the people one last chance.

And they grabbed it.

Given that chance, the people have stated in pretty uncertain terms they are fine and dandy with the Constitution as it was originally designed. They want it restored, not refined, and they have hired Donald Trump to be both the dismantler as well as draw the blueprint for the re-mantling.

I believe Donald Trump took up the mantle of leadership with this public charge in mind, although how much he sees this in terms of history, or political philosophy, or even American exceptionalism, I can’t say. I don’t know what he reads, and of the people who know him, perhaps only Steve Bannon would have some sense of the man in this regard.

I do hope Donald Trump knows the possibilities here, even if he doesn’t know the history about how this came to happen, or why it happened.

But he has to know that it’s a forty year mission, as George Washington, on the front end, and Ronald Reagan on the back end, proved.

A little more History:

When Ronald Reagan left office in 1989, it wasn’t the Democrats so much as that collection of big government dependents called the Washington Establishment, actually glued together by the GOP, who were most anxious to restore what Reagan had undone, their Old Order.

Nice guy that he was, George H W Bush inherited the role of RR’s successor, but as a member of that club, within four years Reagan’s blueprint vanished.

Reagan’s legacy to Donald Trump is “Don’t do as I did, do as I preached.” And as a practical results-oriented businessman, calculate just how long it will take to create a brand new political establishment that mirrors more closely the kind of blueprint the Founders were trying to bequeath to the American people in 1789. It worked for over a century, so what were the elements of its slippage, and can they be prevented this next go around?

In my view, Yes.

Still more History

I know the comparison makes many of you cringe, still, Trump’s situation today is not unlike the one George Washington found himself in when many Americans thought it better to declare him king, along the lines of England, as a path they were already familiar with.

Washington demurred, knowing there were other things yet to be done.

It would take the Colonies the better part of eight years just to draft a new constitution. (For some sense of this, I recommend Schweikart & Allen’s “Patriot’s History of the United States”, pg 106-124 to see how painstakingly slow and complex it was for our Founders to get from there to here.)

Try to think of those eight years in the light of what we have observed since 2010, both in terms of the impatience of many on our own side, anxious to get on with a new government, and in the unwillingness of many we thought were on our side, from corrupt hidden agendas to a sheer hatred for allowing an outsider like Donald Trump into their country club.

Although there were no Marxist sentiments in America in 1789, there was much “royalist thinking” embedded in the American culture, and even some lingering sympathy. Not all the Tories were dispatched to England and Nova Scotia. There would even have been a tiny holdover version of a Tory “deep state”.

What had to occur was for the Royal colonial institutions to be severed from our new institutions and allow for a satisfactory time for “the old ways” simply to fade from all memory. I’ve often called this the “law of generations” or “three-generation rule”, which is generally how long it takes an immigrant family to lose their preferences for the Old Country and become truly American.

The operative word is time, America needed time.

Not all the ratifiers of the Constitution saw this as clearly as did George Washington. But he knew the time element was Yuge. All the Founders brought special insights to Constitution, but General Washington brought an insight as to the big things and how to build big things to last. He knew he had great minds to succeed him so knew his mission was to lay the foundation of the new Republic on solid bedrock. He did.

Lincoln likewise knew the nation needed time to heal. Only was denied.

But neither George Washington nor Abraham Lincoln ever looked down the barrel of having to undo the size and intricate maze of an insidious, cancerous government as Donald Trump is staring down now. A case of first instance.

My job here is to let you, and President Trump, know the cancer can be successfully removed, but it will take at least 30-40 years to complete the surgery, then provide the space and time to bring the new patient back to full health…and to leave enough of a scar that future generations will always be aware that the cancer was once there.

  1. This requires a full-blown restructuring of our federal bureaucracy, by reducing it’s size, mission, and pay-scale, returning to a pay gap with the private sector, when it was roughly 15% below the private sector. Today it about 15% above.
  2. The direct consequence will be a smaller federal budget so that once again, sheep may once again safely graze on capital grounds,
  3. This effect in turn will reduce the majesty of the Government as the “best job in America”, for the federal bureaucracy has been Congress’ true constituency since at least 1936, and possibly as far back as 1913. While married to voters of their districts or states, the Bureaucracy was always Congress’ mistress in the City. The people kept Congress in check all the way into the Civil War simply by not giving them any money for bureaucracies. Then the dam slowly broke.
  4. The trickle-down effect of smaller government, and you decide which is the greatest benefit by achieving it: (I’m only laying out a logical, trickle-down sequence here) a) a reduction in federal grants to universities to educate prospective federal employees in skill-specific government jobs, which in turn will reduce the need for professors to teach them, as more students will return to pursuing more marketable degrees in business and engineering as well as transferring some of those ambitions into non-degree apprenticeship programs in trade skills, where there has been a vast job shortage for years, ever since government started paying more for “useless as teats on a boar hog” paper-pushing bureaucrats, as we drove skilled jobs overseas, b) As demand for skilled jobs come back, training would also shift away from the useless-as-teats-on-a-boar-hog professor-class who taught the clerks. c) Therefore, many academic departments in the socials sciences will simply dry up. And the universities will then, d) by popular demand and economic necessity, return to a basic core curricula in American History and Government (Civics), (taught with enthusiasm), along with courses in practical economics, all with a direct handshake going back into high school then into 4th grade, all preparing the student to be a productive, moral citizen who is more apt than not love to his/her country. Again a 40-year process.
  5. All the while the key functions of government will continue to hum. a) Some agency-departments will disappear altogether, or their missions merged, their budget trimmed accordingly. b) But Defense and some others will always be with us, only hopefully on a more even keel, the seeds of a future deep state reduced to mere embryos, under strict oversight about their status as public servants, and not social supervisors or hall monitors, of the people who pay their salaries. c) Regulatory agencies such as environmental protection, will be pared down in the regulation and enforcement function, and returned to the fundamental function of reporting to legislators the current state of environmental quality, mine safety, securities regulation, etc. and less of scheming new rules and regulations just to justify their existence. (d) This in turn will cut the nation’s law school population in half, (just consider the possibilities). (I’m sure Mr Trump could convene a collegium to draw up a thirty year plan very quickly.)

Donald Trump’s election has already forced the existing alliances in the “old government” out into the open. We’ve seen exposed a number of forces; Media, Democrat Party, Republican Establishment, New World (economic and political) Order, and deep state bureaucracy, often working in league with one another but each with an end that is not exactly the same, ranging from world domination to keeping their country club fortified with gate guards.

Tearing this down requires special planning, as there were no “native-born” enemies or threats to American freedom…in the time of the Founding. Today they are everywhere.

To bury them one must first be successful in governing and re-opening doors of opportunity that were formerly closed. Donald Trump has a good handle on this already, insuring millions more ordinary citizens will come over simply because they now have jobs, and credit him for it. But it can quickly be undone once he has gone.

It’s conceivable that in 30-40 years there will no longer be inner city blight in Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore. Those people simply won’t be there any longer. They will have moved, to better homes, better jobs, and to a better political affiliation, as yet unnamed.

Think about it, not only Martin Luther King, Jr. but Abraham Lincoln might finally be able to have their dream realized.

I don’t know if Donald Trump has considered the possibilities here, or fully understands how important in world history how he guides events will be, but his legacy in history will be how well be lays the foundation for this reformation so that it will require a core set of (new) principles of governance being developed that will be part of a handbook for at least four-five presidents, not for six more years, but 40 or more years….and all of those successors, alongside putting out the day-to-day fires in the growth of an improved system of government that remains the domain of the people…keeping all thieve in the night out.

To achieve this American voters have out-vote the numerically smaller elitist votes in up-scale and mega-corporate America, and eradicate the illegal voter altogether, even if it requires martial law.

If it’s a class war they want, then it’s a class war they’ll get, and from the number of freed-from-the-plantation black Americans coming over to the Trump camp already, I’d say things look good so long as the freedom train is kept pointed out of the Democrat plantation to jobs and toward true freedom.

Check back in a generation.

Back to Jesus, the Man Who was only written about. It is Christmas you know.

He preached a Truth that was not actually learned by books but by human experience, so that every time that Truth is conveyed in a meaningful way through human contact, that Truth is reborn anew as if it had never existed before, but learned there for the first time. This is how Truth is reborn. In this way the Truth is undying and everlasting, as long as there is one left to give, and another to receive.

Human Liberty is passed on in the same manner, and it is mostly found in the same sort of people Jesus preached to, not the high ranking officials of the Empire, who more often that not, have no ears with which to hear.

Great men do deeds, then They are Written about








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