Mike Huckabee, John Bolton and others are saying that this round of Benghazi revelations may well bring down Barack Obama.
I doubt it, for the simple reason he’ll refuse to go. And no Congress will make him go.
But what if he did, whether like Nixon, resigning, or like Bill Clinton, with an attempted bootprint on his ass?
Then what happens?
Well, first to consider, there will be the three year term of President Joe Biden to endure. Wash that phrase. “President Joe Biden” around in your mouth for a minute or so, then spit. Not exactly Crest, is it?
If it does appears that Obama is on his his way out (they’ll have at least a year) the Democrats and the Left will quickly move to protect the Light & Lamp of Leftism. Before President Biden can spill his first gaffe, Obama will already be either an unmentioned memory, Obamacare even renamed, or America’s First Victim. (I’m betting on the latter, unless we learn he was exchanging pillow bites or practicing putting strokes in his bedroom, or other indecencies like that, while those men died.)
So, getting rid of Barack Obama is not the same thing as turning back the Left. Conservatives knew this even as we lined up to vote for Mitt Romney.
Will America suddenly pull back its support for the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and Syria? In New York or Dallas? Will we suddenly pull that billion-a-year to the Egyptian military?
Will we intensify our “war” counter-measures against terrorism unplanned-for incidences or will be root out that nest of leftist that have run the State Department for close to forty years, and the Defense Department for four? Will leftists be fired, or sent off to the basement annex to catalog old case files?
No, of course not. The State Department will continue to be of the Left, and the military will continue to indoctrinate a new generation of “armies of one” who won’t buy into that “My Country Tis of Thee” crap anymore. America’s clock will still be ticking, and the departure of Barack Obama won’t slow it down one tick.
Will the Department of Education be dissolved? Or the Women’s Study departments in American universities? Will the cost of education drop 20%? Will President Biden give student loans back to the banks?
No, American students will continue to pay $100K for bachelor degrees for which there are no known jobs, then have to mortgage their lives away teaching remedial logarithms to civil engineer seniors at Prairie View A&M. (This based on a true story.) Women’s Study grads will still get jobs as receptionists or have to go onto grad school to teach at yet another university that has opened an LGBTG Annex to its curriculum.
Besides, as long as American public schools are spitting out 11m illiterate, but sexually gratified, children per year, that whole K-thru-Grad School “slouch to Gomorrah” (Robert Bork) will continue apace. And inviolate. What every kid used to know about life-after-school at 15, that work = money = stuff, this generation still will not find out until the government submits that $100K bill, in 20 years of easy payments, at age 21. And then they will have to substitute “stuff” for “indentured servitude”.
And school teachers will continue to have 8-year old boys arrested if they use a pencil for a toy gun, or sharpen one with a pocket knife, but will continue to give boys smiley faces if they come to school in drag or use Play-Doh to show off cute little once-unmentioned body parts.
And if you’re wondering, no, the GOP will not step into the breach, to, as they say, Carpe Diem, or the even the moment. The GOP wants essentially what the Democrats also want, but already have, so will offer little in the way of meaningful change to anything being done these days in Wsahington. So even if they did get into power, you shouldn’t look for serious changes in foreign policy, energy policy, environmental policy (global warming), the size and reach of government, or even tax policy, except to the extent that their favorite rich people will once again get preferential treatment from the IRS rather than Obama’s favorite rich people …for a change.
The economy that is speeding toward a cliff at 65 will slow to 50.
But we’ll feel better, won’t we?