Mark Levin, call your office.

In the early days of the environmental movement and the EPA, some college law professors came up with the idea that the quickest way to force corporate polluters to end pollution was to sue them. And they would comply just to get rid of the legal nuisance and avoid bad publicity. For years this strategy simply went by the simple phrase, “Sue the bastards!”

It worked so well that the public interest law suit is now a core in almost all leftwing tactics, in part because in recent years they are paid for by public tax funds.

Enter OccupyRichmond, a carbuncle on the behind of the larger OccupyWallStreet (OCW) movement in New York. They’ve occupied a downtown area called Kanahwa Plaza for about two weeks, which, interestingly, on three different Tax Days the Richmond Tea Party had used for public rallies. And they paid handsomely to do it.

Overall they paid $10,000, plus jumped through all sorts of bureaucratic hoops, having to hire off-duty city police for security, bringing in their own port-a-potties, and of course, as all tea party folk are wont to do, leaving the park cleaner than when they found it.

But the OccupyRichmond squatters moved in and just squatted, under the watchful and either approving or fearful eye of the left-of-center Richmond City Council, who went to such lengths to make the Richmond Tea Party to pay through the nose to exercise their First Amendment right to peaceably assemble.

The Richmond Tea Party has invoiced the City of Richmond, demanding all their money back, leaving city government with an existential decision; kick the squatters out, not just now, but forever…unless they can get the proper paperwork…or cut a check back to the hated tea party.

A law suit may ensue. A law suit the Tea Party will likely win.

But for all the other citizens of other cities who feel the OccupyPigSty crowd has trampled on sacred rights and sacred ground, instead of reaching for a firehose and disinfectant, reach for a lawyer.

Sue the bastards.

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