(Just read this, and pass on. As fine an analysis as you will find. Larry lifts the spirits and buries the nay-sayers.)


Ok, we get it. Every “big name” on social media—-or at least most—-rely almost exclusively on clicks and revenue from their postings/websites/blogs. Sure, I’m not entirely different, except being (supposedly) retired, I do have retirement income, plus the every trustworthy Social Security, plus book royalties plus . . . well, never mind. I do appreciate the subscriptions. Don’t get me wrong. But if they all dried up tomorrow, I would not blow away.

There are those, however, who comprise a Legion of Doomers, who can find absolutely nothing competent or efficient about the Trump campaign; who insist “you can’t vote your way out of this” (that’s a direct quote from the Dame of Doomers, Emerald Robsinson), who constantly think the DemoKKKrats have an “October surprise” (even if it’s February), and that they are constantly outsmarting the coyote-ish Republicans.

Well, Legion of Doomers: there’s a new sheriff of Nottingham in town. Prof. Larry has brought his all-powerful hocus pocus to dispel the LoDers like Gandalf dispelled the evil spirit inside King Theoden.

First, let’s take the “incompetence” of Team Trump, including the RNC under Michael Watley and Lara Trump. Remember in 2020 how the constant mantra from “our side” was that Trump “wasn’t disciplined,” that he “got off message” and got involved in “too many mean tweet battles”?

Yeah. Good times.

Suzy Wiles has, for her faults (and she has a couple, nothing fatal) produced a lean, mean campaigning machine in President John Donald Trump. His rallies not only are on message, but feature a message superbly tailored to the audience at hand. In Michigan it’s about jobs that the illegals are taking, about unfair trade with Chy-na, and about the economy. Further south, it’s the border, the illegal criminal invasion, and the two tiered legal system that allows these cockdoggies free access to America’s greatness. Then there is this:

The perpetual battle cry of the LoDers has been “What about the steal? Huh? What have you done about that?”

Actually, quite a lot:

*Virginia, Georgia, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania all changed voting laws in a significant way, requiring ballots to be delivered on time, with signatures, and in person or by mail—-not by a third party.

*Ohio, Nevada, Arizona, and Oklahoma have all engaged in massive voter roll purges. Oklahoma has removed a number more than three times the size of Norman; Ohio, almost 100,000, and Nevada, over 90,000. These are not exclusively DemoKKKrats, but you better be sure the majority of them are. Or were. I’m sure most of them are dead now.

*GOP lawyers have been on the ball, challenging and succeeding in the Nevada and Pennsylvania supreme courts to stop shenanigans. Moreover, they have an army of lawyers just itching for election night. Ain’t gwine be no steal this time around.

Back to Wiles. Yes, she is a typical “centrist” and opposed J.D. Vance as veep. She wanted a more traditional (loser) like Sweaty Little Man Marco Rubio. But when she lost, she didn’t sabotage the campaign, or even issue a bunch of damaging public statements. She returned to keeping Trump focused, focused, focused.

I am serious when I say that she is by far the best campaign manager Trump has ever had and that includes Steve Bannon, who had brilliant ideas for theatrics, but who was not capable of the long-run slog that involved keeping the candidate up.

Oh, and Wiles has kept Trump up. He destroyed Rutabaga in the debate and delivered a KO. In the Cackles debate, he played defense and correctly prevented her from landing a KO. Don’t believe the Doomers’ acceptance of Hoax Polls. You know and I know Trump is not only up nationally, but is up in every single “swing state” except possibly NV which is trending in his direction.

My guess is that even til the very end, the junk polls—-where the pollsters take their daily Jones of China Virus Vax—-will have Cackles up until she loses. The good pollsters are better, but not perfect. They will have it a closer race with Trump up enough to win certainly the Electoral College.

I say, stop looking at the ground. Let the Doomers crawl there. Look UP! Your salvation is at hand. Verily, verily, we are about to kicketh butteth.

Larry Schweikart

Rock drummer, Film maker,NYTimes #1 bestselling author

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