(I published this same question two days before the 2020 general election. And true to form, the Democrats stole it. Then, on January 6, the Democrats, under the assumption that the Trump majority would rise up to stop that steal with violence, staged an attempted violent.steal.

Yet, here we are, facing a Democrat double dare.

While we may wait anxiously for a few extra days (or maybe not) neither the character of the mentioned candidate, nor his associates, will any longer be of any great importance, for either way, we should be bustling about wondering about what we should be doing in the general notion of home protection and personal safety. Violence may spill over in the usual manner we’ve seen it the past several months, whether in celebration or anger.

Both are a kind of madness.

There’s nothing we can do about that, still, you should consider making a list of “what if’s”, only I won’t be talking about those here until the 4th, since, considering riots won’t be spontaneous, some of the moving parties may begin to think twice about sending their troops out for certain beat downs and arrest if the size of our win sends a serious signal to cool it.

Our only consideration now, just two days out, is just how large that signal should be on the 3rd, not just as a deterrent to a strong reaction, just mentioned, but also to how our History might be written, not to mention a humble acknowledgment to the Higher Authority who designed us, “Better late than never.”

America, (We) are at a crossroads, and if you haven’t been reminded enough already, this test isn’t just about “the people” versus the crooks who always been out there and who would wish to steal “the people” blind and force us into submission. It’s about how far we’ve strayed to let this get out of hand.

You’d better start thinking in these terms right away. For if we win even by only a little, rather than settling back and wiping the nervous sweat from our brows, we still will have some answering to do, both to History and to the Higher Authority and much work.

Already we are no longer One People

For 50 years we’ve watched them chip away at our institutions and our virtue aiming toward this one day. It was supposed to have happened in 2016, when America was supposed to certify a finale of their Grand Plan with a “third Obama term” voting the “old America” out of existence then.

That was always believed to be the best way; that Americans themselves, dummies that we are, should vote to cease to exist rather than them having to go all Bolshevik on us and take it by force.

Instead, enter a private citizen from Queens (of all places) who dashed those plans on the rocks, none of what he did coming out of any playbook with which they were familiar. From neither party. In fact, he was so “out there” it was understood in its simplicity and honesty only by the voters.

What we’ve learned in the ensuing four years is just how large the bad guys’ army actually is. It consisted of more Management than it did Worker, leaving Karl Marx spinning in his grave. But all of that management came from the government bureaucracies, now in the millions, plus the higher leadership in our defense system and security agencies, plus almost all of our universities and public schools. And a sizeable portion of our corporate conglomerates who no longer feel any natural love for the country who birthed them, mainly since virtually none of their leaders had any skin in the game in bringing those companies to life.

Thinking they had covered all the bases with the 20 million or so of the private sector corporate class plus government class, and still relying on the old-line Democrat alliances: the working-class people who’d voted D all their lives, even though they’d moved millions of American jobs to China and elsewhere, plus the 47 million Blacks and the 60 million Hispanics, they figured they’d mop up…even against a good solid Republican candidate, even another Bush.

Indeed, America has been split in two, and if you know your Bunker Hill or Gettysburg history, you know it can’t “long endure” that way. Something has to give. So what splits America down the middle this time? ….with one side insane while the other is not?

For even if you are 87 years old and have voted a straight Democrat ticket since 1952, you need to know your sanity is being tested on Tuesday, Nov 3.

For if a “sane society” can vote for a man who clearly is mentally disabled, then you are confessing that you have become so filled with greed, ignorance or hate (your choice) that you would see the very foundations of your country torn down, including your “I’m a Free Man” card to get those bastards in order to win.

The Democrat Party is all those, only so is the Republican Party to a lesser extent (former Party Chairman, Michael Steele proving my case. And with Steele and his Lincoln Project in mind, so is a vocal wing of conservatism who is actually proud it won’t be seen drinking beer with ditch diggers. They are a type.

So, Can a Sane Society Elect a Demented Man for President?

Just what does a faithful Democrat tell him- or herself, when he knowingly votes for a person he knows not to be fit for public office?

And does the faithful Democrat also know the Party that person represents has openly favored policies which at least 75% of the American people know to be detrimental to their own personal ideas of living free. No sneaking around as before this time around.

Does the faithful Democrat believe that their demented man will suddenly become well? Or, does he know that when the demented man is forced to resign because of his incapacity, that he will be replaced by a well-chronicled incompetent Marxist who has never exhibited any leadership skills of her on? Does that man know that a “committee” is likely behind Joe Biden’s election now, and will likely be in charge of a President Harris administration, as well, just as many assumed was in charge of Obama’s? This new Committee may or may not be same as the old one, but will it matter, as either way, America the land of the free, will die? And rather quickly, for they have told us so. No fooling around next time.

Knowing this, does the faithful Democrat still assume his Party knows best, as working Democrats have always believed since 1896, as well as racist Democrats on the South have known since 1896 (Remarkable coincidence)?

If our side wins all the American people will deal with both the corruption that got the Democrat Party to this place in history, but also with the philosophies that got American institutions to this state. The latter will take much longer to fix than the former, for while corruption, real criminal corruption, going-to-jail corruption, even in parts of government where power and status, class, were the precious objects they sought instead of gold, we now know there are also millions out there who have become so self-entitled, almost as a birthright, and that a sane society cannot long survive with millions of them running around foot loose and fancy free to rip-and-tear through whatever in the world displeases them.

The first item we can fix quickly simply by hiring better agents to write better laws, and stop the corruption and hire better men and women to administer justice. A few laws need to changed, especially about media protections. But again, that starts after the election. And President Trump has published a list. But the latter, in order to protect History and our standing with the Higher Authority who designed this “Sane Society and System of Government” in the first place, we have a lot of self-reflecting to do.

Almost as much as the faithful Democrats.

And What do we do with people who tell us that all this is ordinary?

The gas-lighters?

The Media can’t claim either collective dementia or delusion. This isn’t new. They can’t be the victims of lies when they’ve propagated almost all of them. Democrats ran a crippled, mean, drunk in 2016, and before her a narcissistic pillow-biter, and before him a randy “can’t keep it zipped” satyr. That wasn’t ordinary either, but made to appear so, the party in conjunction with the Media, the public never sure who was actually leading the band. Since 1976 Jimmy Carter, bless his heart, was the only ordinary one in the bunch, and they all thought he was weird because he actually believed in God.

Finally how many conservative men and women, the likes of Mitt Romney and Jonah Goldberg, (just to name two types), will vote for this demented man, directly, or indirectly by voting for the Libertarian, and encourage others to do likewise, simply because they believe they are deserving of a Knight- or Lady-hood simply because they agree with the fundamental belief of the Democrats as well as the spoiled brats in the street, that they are a class apart and above the People.

So by inference, the only document that says, as a matter of law, that the people are supreme, the Constitution, must be done away with.

This is where we are.

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