This sci-fi comedy from 2006, by Mike Judge (Beavis and Buttlead cartoons, a favorite of both my sons) has been growingly mentioned since the first pratfall of the Biden Administration early this year. (Scroll to the bottom to see it on YouTube, (1 hr, 24 min) and consider it a history and civics lesson. And remember the generation(s) it was aimed at, kids born 1984-to-1990.)
Having actually seen the film in 2006 I’d used it even before the 2020 election, only not to define the youth that had inherited the earth 500 years in the future, but the immature “grown-up” arguments made by every age group on the Left as to why the original American model didn’t work.
Having no knowledge of their own History they were unable to argue that our system “no longer worked”…it just didn’t work for them and their needs.
In short, in their narrow and childlike view, “government by a privileged class” had always been the way Nature intended it. And that may also have been why so few of the intended market ever saw it. They could find no irony, humor, or satire if they had no earthly clue what it was that was be made fun of. And of course, they didn’t like being made fun of.
So here I was, a 61 year consultant, still plying my trade in the streets of the old Soviet Bloc in 2006, finding all sorts of cultural and economic references from this film while my sons, aged 36 and 32, made no such connections. I’m not even sure that my youngest even saw the film.
But in May 2016, early in Donald Trump’s campaign, “Idiocracy” crept into the thinking of the leftwing Media, and Time Magazine.
About “Time”, by 2016, and 8 years of the cult of Obama and the cult of youth, all the major centrist media news weeklies, Time and Newsweek, (US News and World Report first becoming a monthly instead of a weekly, and then abandoning print altogether in 2010) had already gone ‘idiocratic”, probably just to keep up with the kidz. By 2016 the vast majority of their writers, including opinion-writers, were targeting this same crowd.
Compared with what I’ve seen elsewhere this above-cited Time Magazine article, author unknown, about “Idiocracy” is well-written, so likely from a more mature adolescent who seemed to actually know a little history, having woven him- or herself into more adult characterizations.
By using the “Idiocracy” theme to characterize pre-election Trump followers, instead of the youths of America 500 years later, who thought that an Army private was the smartest thing to visit the planet since sliced bread, tells us “they” (whoever “they” were in 2016) knew exactly what their mission was by accusing the Trump people of having introduced “coarse language” into the political campaign, and that coarseness, of course, because of their low breeding.
Low class, redneck peckerwoods.
This was actually a smart preemptive tactic. The Left has always accused us of their own criminal conspiracies.
So you’ll want to both read the Time article (2016) then see the 2006 film and make your own judgment, especially if you are now in your mid-to-late 30s. Even if the moral and history lessons had avoided your gaze, you still have time (especially reading my Natural Law and How Things Work columns), the tactical mission has been laid naked with the vaccine mandate debate. And the thug tactics state police in Australia are using to thwart citizens who claim the right to say “No” no longer applies to ordinary citizens and workers.
These should be seen by you as clear signs of what it to come.