And the lack thereof.

And certain laws apply.

Take this fellow, Qassem Suleimani, who had been the commander of the Iranian Quds Force for over 20 years.

Quds are the guys who coordinate Iranian military activities outside of Iran. His people were responsible for moving arms from Iran to Iraq to help Shia forces there against the old Sunni infrastructure there, suppressing the advent of a Sunni-based coalition government, including Kurds.

Throughout the region Quds have supported virtually every revolutionary group that has fought against Sunni overlordship, from Saudi Arabia to Lebanon and Jordan.

An estimated 600 American soldiers have lost their lives from Quds arms and activities in Iraq.

But did anyone in America even know this man outside of a few specialists who’ve followed Iran-Iraq affairs after the Iraq War? Almost everyone knew him by sight in the Middle East. His name was legion. Yet, unlike Saddam Hussein who was a household name and mug-shot 99% of Americans knew, Americans couldn’t have picked Suleimani out of a line-up. He looked like my doctor at the VA hospital; a suave, sophisticated bearing, a certain je ne sais quoi that would fit in at most upper-class clubs in Europe or America.

Also, Suleimani and his Iranian regime possessed a connection to the Obama regime, 2008-2016 which required him a certain obscurity among the regular media audience in America. It likely wasn’t simple oversight that The New York Times, Washington Post, and their usual gang of camp followers, rarely mentioned his name or splashed his photograph around, like Saddam’s, even though he’d killed more Americans than Saddam Hussein did in two wars.

He had even taunted President Trump in 2018 in a speech, (h/t LaborUnionReport, @LUR) calling him a “bartender and a casino manager” before a crowd larger than any Democrat presidential candidate has spoken to so far in the campaign. Only few Americans knew. Qassem who?

Looking at Suleimani’s death purely from his point of view, and the reality of a professional soldier at the top of his game, a national hero, certainly unwilling to give his life for his faith when it was his duty to lead others to give theirs, he at least would have liked a heads-up so that he could take evasive action to prevent being killed.

Abū Bakr al-Baghdadi, the ISIS leader on the losing side of their war in Syria, at least had the sense to keep himself wired with a bomb-vest, just in case.

Why Suleimani was unable to prevent his own death in this particular way is that he was just too “out there”, his photo everywhere in the MIddle East. He had a public persona; a household name and a household icon, meaning everyone knew him on sight. Call it a vanity.

And a lapse of judgment that got him killed.

So look what he has bequeathed the men who will follow him in Quds military leadership.

Suleimani got caught up in his own self-importance, arrogantly believing no one but himself could do the job the way he was doing it, then abruptly leaving to his successors the thankless task of only being able to do that job half as well, since any or all of them will be immediate targets, and the Americans would know who they are from their first day on the job.

None of them would be safe. None would be immune, which, if you live in a free society Americans tend to take for granted.

If you’re going to design ways to kill Americans you really don’t want Americans who it is that is doing it.

Ironically it was the eight years of an Obama amnesty that allowed Suleimani to lull himself into a false sense of security that he could puff and posture around like a peacock with a total sense of immunity from harsh response by the Americans.

We’ve seen this same phenomenon even among our own deep state and political class these years since Obama left office, the reality never sinking in that their days of immunity are over and that a bolt of lightning might someday reach out of the sky and strike them down, too

Postscript: The Fixed Law of Stealth

2020 may well be a showdown year for dealing with the scourge of the deep state, which for years we knew was there, hadn’t connected all the dots, nor given it a name. That process continues.

But long before we knew they were criminals we first learned to hate them simply because of their arrogance and condescension.

The enemies of our way of government have also thought they were immune from punishment, as well. A legacy that runs well before Obama, thru Bush into the Clinton era. In fact they think they are the State.

Over the years we’ve learned to hate that “you can’t touch me” attitude that began with local bureaucrats and legislators when Clinton was still in office, to now, bitchy unpretty girls in funny pink hats daring you to backhand them to fair-haired boys who can’t yet shave, wearing bandanas, getting in your face, especially if you’re over 80 vet an in a wheelchair.

Every year since 2013, I’ve had to take note to up the ante on what we could afford to risk to make these people afraid, while holding to a firm rule that we never go beyond misdemeanors.

At worst a bloody nose, but preferably only costing them a few hundred bucks in replacing their rose bushes, that Gucci purse, Armani suit or repair those scratches on the BMW.

But keep with the stealth; never be seen, or known by name.

Qassim Suleimani reminded me just how important not being known by name, and not being captured on film, can be.

Each year “they” have raised the bar on violence and lawlessness. For years I’ve asked you to take names, build dossiers, and quietly observe their comings and goings.

Because they are losing I sense they may hire people to hurt our people more seriously. More strategically. Terror.

Like Suleimani, they are becoming more “out there” a weakness we can exploit.

All you have to do is first, Go Dark, then form small groups, adopt very simple, but rigid, rules of communication and make them afraid. Watch the film “Battle of Algiers”, Part I and Part II,  to get a sense of how to organize. They really are in way over their heads.

The rules for stealth I have posted are to protect you, not so much from the police, after all it’s just misdemeanors, as from those people themselves. They have deep pockets and deep connections. And if they can find you, they will hire someone to do you great harm.

Stay out of the limelight. Let someone else speak for you at council meetings, or counter-protests on campus. They are taking your names and photos even if you aren’t taking theirs. Be that faceless Arab in the crowd and not Suleimani.

There is much to do. And with a coming election where stealing votes will be the primary objective of the anti-American left, there is much to consider, so I will be updating my “Dark Alley” strategies for the road conditions that lie ahead. So stay tuned.

Watch yer topknot.

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