Either we were terribly wrong about the size of the pro-Obama, pro-Obamacare, pro-debt, pro-abortion, anti-job, anti-private sector, anti-God, anti-Constitution vote…

…or we just witnessed the most sophisticated and massive voter fraud since Brezhnev won a second term in his landslide victory in 1975.

Although we will never know, I’m betting on the latter, for to believe the former means that all our senses have been wrong the past three years.

Those swing votes all just materialized out of thin air. I’m sure of it, and sometime soon someone will figure it out, but it will be too late.

As of today, it doesn’t matter, for they won’t have to do it again, for every year from now on, until the federal government finally collapses of financial excess, they will add 1%-2% to that total. Their voter base will grow.

We will never be able to take back the nation, much less re-create a freedom-based constitutional republic, by the more normal process of open and free elections.

Those days are over.

When Obamacare was passed we listed several methods to combat it. Now the last option, the states right option, is the only option.

By looking at the respective red-blue maps, we see about 40 states in which the margin of victory was close to 3-to-1, either for statism, or for freedom. Ten of the remaining states, all of which bounced for Obama from votes counted in key urban areas, were won by razor thin margins.

As Abraham Lincoln once said, such wide contrasts cannot “long endure”.

What the states will do, collectively or individually, I cannot say, but I can say, when California tips, which will occur in this next term, the red states won’t voluntarily pony up to bail her out.

With all the producers on one side and all the takers and takers’ administrators on the other, it won’t take long for the division to begin tearing along the seams.

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