No matter what you think about gay marriage, gay men, unlike the female gimme-free-contraception crowd, is a well read, up-on-current events group.
My friend of thirty years, Birdman, a long time ACORN activist, from the side saddle district of Phoenix, reminded me this week that that gay men 1) are well aware of events in Libya and 2) feel very strongly about abandoning men to die as occurred in Benghazi September 11. And since so many are professionals, they can also analyze especially the flow of information inside an organization. It seems they share a special empathy with the way those men on September 11, were abandoned, left to die.
Birdman also informs me many gays will not continue to support people who have been proved to be that uncaring about human life, and they are getting the word out.
This despite the special dislike southwestern gays have for the Mormon Church, which spent millions in pushing Prop 13 through in California, banning gay marriage in that state, and which now rests in the Supreme Court.
What’s going on, Birdman says, is a quiet whisper campaign, carried out via email, phones, and Facebook, to encourage friends to switch votes from Obama to Jill Stein, the Green Party candidate. The sometimes un-stated sub-text: Benghazi.
This is important to conservatives why?
For one, many of the Left who really do care about human life, not only gays, but Greens, genuine non-violent peaceniks, (not to mention the clear double standard between the Obama’s enabling of the aims of militant Islam and his stand on gay marriage,) are beginning to recalculate Obama on, as they see it, moral grounds. Before it was just political. All because of Benghazi.
Although the media is quick to point out how Gary Johnson, Libertarian candidate, or Virgil Goode, Constitutional Party candidate can play spoiler is several key states, especially Virginia, the fact is, in the past several elections left-side third parties have garnered more votes. At the top of the ticket Democrats have lost more votes to third parties than Republicans, and many even say Ralph Nader cost Gore the election in 2000.
So yes, we’d like to see a lot of Green Party voters out there, but except in Arizona-New Mexico- Colorado and maybe New Mexico, I doubt a gay exodus would affect the electoral count.
But what we can gain is an actual measure of just how much Benghazi has affected this election, something the media may not be very interested in providing. Exit polls may not even include it as a reason for not voting for Obama.
On a lighter note:
Big Bird will not endorse Obama
It seems Big Bird, the star of the PBS Sesame Street production, currently earns $317,000 a year to dress up in that 8-foot yellow feathered costume, and Obama has targeted him as one of the greedy 1%, and since Big Bird knows better, his nest and nest egg, nothing all that special to write home about, he’s decided to sit this one out.
I’m guessing he’d like to see those Bush tax cuts extended. Or maybe even, according to Romney-Ryan math, reduced even more, as Romney’s argument seems to be that this is the key to a real growth spurt in the income potential for the 99%.