You need to follow this story, for there is a subtext. It seems Jim Geraghty of National Review, quoting his own legal source, says Kicking Bird doesn’t need a license to practice in federal court. (follow the links)

Problem is, Many-Moon-Come -Choctaw Warren isn’t licensed anywhere, it seems. Besides, for one to practice in any court outside the jurisdiction in which he/she is licensed, he/she must be introduced to the Court by a local bar member. In other words, she must have a sponsor. A chaperone, if you will.

Follow the link to William Jacobson, Legal, who first broke the story. He is often mentioned by Rush Limbaugh, as the go-to conservative legal guy in America.

And yes, it is a crime, not to mention a big embarrassment to the federal court in Boston who never inquired about her credentials.

In related news, Ms Buffalo-Hump Warren states her mother had to elope because of her Cherokee Indian blood, even though even, who found Barack Obama’s black grandparent in Virginia back in 1640, and the first black slave in America, to boot!) can’t find a drop of Indian blood in Ms Stands-With-Fist Warren. (To be a tribal member you must be able to prove 1/16th blood, that’s a great great grandparent, and the Cherokee have already debunked the claim.

Besides, in southern states I know, they were marrying up whites and Indians back the 20s and 30s. The miscegenation statutes were directed at blacks, almost exclusively. Of course. Kicking Bird wouldn’t know since, like so many areas, she hadnt done her homework.

According to Princess Summerfallwinterspring Warren, when my father told me there was a Santa Claus…there was one.

Do you think Scott Brown has a chance?


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