How many times in your life have you heard “This is the most important election in the history of our country”?

Mark this: There is only one most important election in any country’s history. And that is the one that promises to be the last free election if the wrong side wins.
This is the one.

America stands athwart a threshold of first instances, for no nation has ever stood at this crossroads before. Take the right path, and we remain that shining beacon to the rest of mankind. Take the other and we become as predictable and ordinary as a Mussolini takeover in Italy, a Lenin takeover in Russia, or a Bonaparte takeover in France. For where the next generations of those new American leaders will take them, it has all been written down before. From the Dark Ages forward we already know how the next generation, and likely the next, will play out in America once the socialists get into power.

And although Mitt Romney was off a little in his math, we know at least 35% of Americans are chomping at the bit to get us there.

In this coming election we are not so much deciding between Romney and Obama, or even Republicans and Democrats, as to what will be the very foundations upon which the republic rests.

Will we remain a republic? Yes, they’ll keep the name, socialists have always been fond of “republik”. But in the clearest terms, Obama has already said “no” to the old-time definition.

Do we stay on the old road and remain an imperfect, sometimes stumbling, sweaty, oafish but free republic with a Constitution written by free men for free men, (what Obama calls the “tired old policies of the past”)? Or do we choose Door #2 and turn down a planned, and dimly-lit, two-tone path lined with armies of well-dressed, well-educated managers, the 5%, the riggers of the system, standing watch over the 95% of the rest of us, all equal in our shared misery and below-averageness? Can anyone sing “The Song of the Volga boatmen”?

Talk about reluctant heroes, the great sadness here is that the Party who must win in order to prevent this catastrophe either doesn’t know this to be the case, or is purposely, or vainly, ignoring it. Why Republicans are afraid to use the words “socialism” or “Marxism” is anyone’s guess, but I am beginning to see that at least Mitt Romney knows, even if he won’t say so. This enthuses me, for he will know what to do once installed, and no longer worries about his campaign consultants.

I write this only to speak to the one point that many conservative Americans feel today, “Well, okay, if it turns out these guys are really taking us down the road to socialism, we’ll just throw them out next time around.”

This certainly seems to be the notion of several conservative pundits, Bill Kristol, Peggy Noonan, George Will, and yes, Erick Erickson, now that he has also has a taste of what it’s like to be inside the establishment. They all know that, for them, the dance will in fact go on. They, and their families will be spared our fate.  (I know this is Bill O’Reilly’s first concern, not having to put up with the kind of harassment from government the rest of us do.) They will be part of the 5%, albeit the token part, for the socialists will always need to keep some conservatives around for appearances.

Orchestrated properly it will be almost a generation before the 95% know they’ve been had. And by then, as I learned in Russia, Motel 6 will be the best hotel in town, the new-and-improved Volt the best car (for those who can afford it), and gruel on every menu, and lines a block long wherever potatoes can be found.

The first law our 95% will learn, and so we must understand now, since Kristol won’t tell us, is that we won’t get a chance to ever vote them out. That’s a Marxist law (which Ortega cavalierly ignored); once you achieve power by the vote you make it impossible ever to lose power by the same means.

My first lawyer-mentor in state government (in the 1960s’) was a Marxist, and this is what he told me.

For forty years Americans have marched to the polls, then nodded in complacent approval as some little liberty here, a freedom there, (usually someone else’s) had been diluted or sliced away. All those little slices have led to this moment, for now we stand at a choice that once done can’t be undone in this lifetime. What we could have done with an angry phone call, a letter, an email, a loud vote, these past forty years will be postponed and shifted to the shoulders of our children or our children’s children to be taken back, if at all, but with their blood.

We are hewing the log today that will be their cross to bear.

The Franchise

My friends and I have been working on a list of things that must remain outside politics in order for the Constitution and the Republic to survive. The inviolability of the Bill of Rights is certainly among them.

This could all become moot relatively soon, but also on the list is the inviolability of the franchise, the aforementioned vote we will use to make this crucial choice and, in our minds at least, use to undo our mistake four years ago. It’s always been easy to write a cheat-proof voting law, one page should do, but we have watched over the years those regulations increase to hundreds of pages, all designed with the intent to minimize, not expand the strength and value of the franchise. Ohio proved how well this has worked in 2008.

I bring up the fragility of the vote here because I don’t expect Pres Obama to suddenly come out on the Capitol steps on January 22 and announce that heretofore, the national language will be Albanian. The planned path into socialism, while drastic, even draconian, will all be very orderly, all under the cover of legal elections.

We have watched (idly, for the most part) a 30 year process of subverting the electoral process. It has been intentional yet so covert in its intent that even state bureaucrats, local ward heelers and ballot box stuffers did not know the end game. Race and race alone has been the shield that has allowed them to operate this long, this openly and this criminally. Now is “their time” as Obama still reminds them

November 4th may be America’s last chance to vote freely. Oh, there will still be elections and that’s the point. As true democracy hobbles down, Americans will continue to dutifully exercise the franchise, in fact, the percentages will go up. The constitutionalists out there won’t be shot, or imprisoned, or sent to the Gulag. They will simply be diminished, as so many have actually worked hard to accomplish themselves these past four years. Mitch will always be around to fill out a foursome. No matter how white hot the heat they think will be in their message, they will lose every election. The next Ronald Reagan, and the next, and the next, will lose, all fair and square. And most citizens will walk away and just wonder, “Well I’ll be. Oh, well, maybe next time.”

But in a generation there will be no next time. In two generations there will be little memory of what sort of hope even raced through the heart of grandma and grandpa back in Ought Twelve. In Generation Three there will be no memory at all…until someone on the West Coast picks up a story on Internet Free America from Shanghai (that slipped past Yahoo!’s filters), about kids over there wearing blue jeans and listening to rock and roll. Damn! What have we been missing out on? And it will start all over again.

If the Marxists have their way, by 2016, an election in America will carry no more honest value than an East German gold medal in swimming.

The citizen-voters will go quietly and innocently about their way, never knowing their vote has been diluted and their choices doped. The fix will be in, and, just as those thousands of DDR athletes who were secretly drugged, our history will be locked away with the caretakers.

If you are to vote on November 6th, vote as if it were your last one, for there are approximately 40% committed citizens out there who hope that it is.

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