Sounds like how they scored the Rocky Graziano-Tony Zale fight.
The media will be all over the trite and inconsequential minutiae of the South Carolina primary results, but they know, as we all know, all that matters is the numbers in the title above. Those numbers have remained relatively unchanged for five months, despite the media’s attempt to make them appear much different.
Only in a blue state where your blue tick hound can register an hour before the polls open, can Romney get over 30. He’s stuck there because the voters ain’t budging.
In like manner, the combined weight of the conservatives is holding close to 60 (considering than half of all Ron Paul’s votes in any state will be Democrats and alienists. I always adjust his percentage in half for windage.)
This was never an anti-Romney vote, as the media has played it. He’s a nice man. It was always an anti-RINO vote, and while the GOP wanted their man to win in a snap, in all likelihood he will just be one of four candidates marching into the convention with a pocketful of delegates to wheel and deal with.
All that will matter is who ends up with a pair, a pair and an ace kicker, three-of-a-kind and straight. A lot of bluster and bluffing still to go on all spring, but I’m betting the GOP is in a dither already as to how this hand might play out.
All I know is conservatives are holding two Queens face up right now, with two cards down and three more to be dealt. And Abe Lincoln is telling a great joke.
And we all owe it to Newt Gingrich.
In saying that, don’t think I am jumping on Newt’s wagon. My opinion about the three men left standing in this race hasn’t changed. Nor does it need to. My 1-2-3 preference table hasn’t changed. And while my preferred candidates have left the ring, I’ll still be in there fighting…for conservatism and against Obama.
I don’t have to sidle up to any of these candidates to be able to do that.
And while the GOP is really feeling the pinch of having selected a candidate they thought would be anointed within the next two-three weeks, the Democrats and Obama are sweating blood, for every time a debate is held on national television, it will be like Tim Tebow in the playoffs, people will postpone all other forms of recreation to watch Newt beat up on the media and say some awful, gawdawful…and awfully direct and true things about the Obama White House. That’s a two-fer every time he speaks, and instead of 200-300 hearing this at a chicken dinner in Boca Raton, it will be millions, many of whom will be curiosity seekers.
Those feared undecideds-independents will be tuning in in droves.
So now that that cat is out of the bag, it won’t matter if Newt is indicted and hauled off in cuffs tomorrow, that 58% will stay with the conservatives, even if Herman or Rick have to un-suspend their campaigns to claim them back.
Don’t try to over think this, or let the media over-complicate this. My recommendation is that you take the personalities out of this. Just watch the passing parade and enjoy the sights and sounds of liberals’ and moderates’ gnashing their teeth.
When the dust settles in Tampa, right now at least I’m wagering conservatism will come away with the loudest voice in the general election.