You all know the new story, a woman in Atlanta has stepped forward to claim she’s had a 13-year affair with Herman Cain.

I’m inclined to ask, after 13 years of glorious behind closed doors, under the sheets fun with Herman Cain, why is this women suddenly filled with regret about an “inappropriate relationship”?

After one week maybe. I can see that. But 13 years? And again, why did Herman Cain suddenly become a horn dog in his mid-50’s? Where was she when he ran for the Senate? Or preached moral conduct on his radio show for several years?

And why, in God’s name, would Herman Cain, knowing he had a roomful of buxom skeletons in his closet, ever run for public office in the first place?

But I’ll leave parsing the sordid details to others. I’m busy, need to be other places, so can only give this a few minutes.

Let’s cut to the chase.

As an old trial lawyer I know this single one thing about this sort of accusation:

The same amount of evidence is required if 100% true as is required if 100% false.

And that is the word of one person.

The objective of these accusations…remember, there were others, the credibility of who were so suspect that they all but disappeared…is to cause women especially…WOMEN…to tilt that 100% true versus 100% false in favor of guilt, based on the cumulative effect of several accusations.

It is based on the fact that Herman Cain is 1) a man, therefore more likely to be guilty, and 2) a Negro, therefore far more likely to be guilty. So, when a second, then a third steps forward, he’s definitely guilty. My mother would have hung him a month ago.

Again, a judge would never have allowed a jury to even hear this evidence, it is so outlandish standing alone, without corroboration.

There’s nothing subtle about this form of racism, and since it benefits not only the Left (closet racists of the worst kind anyway) but the other candidates, some of whom are opportunists of the worst kind, I won’t lay this sin at any of their feet. But by their silence, they deserve to be counted among the culpable.

It’s the old “where there’s smoke there’s fire” intuitive response my mother always applied. To her, you could never tell five lies about a person. Maybe one, but if there were two, then they were probably true.

What my mother didn’t know, but my dad did, and every high school kid I knew who was interested in girls, that if a kid got a girl in trouble he could procure at least five other guys to swear they’d been with her too. And my mother would have easily condemned that little slattern with nothing else required.

You’re seeing the same thing here.

Ladies, you are the objects of this campaign.You are supposed to withdraw your support from Mr Cain based on your superior instincts. It’s that simple.

So, get thee to your closets.

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