Be warned, there is no guarantee that if socialism finally wins in America that it will be anything like our European cousins. Europe nations were, for the most part, homogenous peoples when they signed onto their socialist bargains back in late 40s-early 50s. (Importing kitchen help is just one of many things they’ve done to alter that demographic. Stopping having babies is another.)

Unlike the Euros, America, on the other hand, and Obamacare is just the first example, has had to be drug into the arms of socialism kicking and screaming.  We are not willing participants. True, almost everything having to do with bureaucratic regulation, both in our daily lives and in the market place, are railed about and cursed about, (you never see this is Europe) but in the end people and companies grumble and comply. The lay back and take it, you can’t fight city hall, gene has been with us a long time.

It’s natural then that some may think that after all this pawing at the ground, grousing and complaining America will eventually shrug its shoulder and accept the new reality of a world…not just a single administration, but a world…of wall-to-wall socialism.

Then, some day, Americans will become resigned to their fate, and just as I saw all over Russia, Ukraine and the Balkans, we will be whispering around the water cooler “Boy, I’d give anything if we could just get a good dictator for awhile.” just as I heard from a street vendor in Estonia, “I hope I get a good mafia.”

Is this how it will turn out? Or will Americans blow back? Hard?

We already have, but as long there are constitutional remedies the people will continue to seek them out first.

And the socialist who want to be in charge know this. Trust me.

America will not easily swallow the socialism pill, and call it socialism, progressivism, fascism, even communism, whatever you like, ALL socialist governments have to react to citizen blowback that will break down the socialist structure the same way.

In 2008 I wrote a series of articles about how life would change under socialism.

It is a change that will take a generation to complete, but which will not take on a hard edge until they had obtained total control and Harry Reid had finally doffed his little Che beret.

At that time the true nature of a socialist society run by and for the benefit of the state class and its cronies will have manifest itself. Only state officials and crony capitalists will be able to get tickets to NBA and NFL games. Baseball will almost for sure retreat to bush league status. The days of tailgate parties at the annual Huskers-Sooners or Auburn-Alabama game will be a fond memory. In all likelihood soccer will be named the national pastime so all those empty stadiums can be put to good use by letting the people, two-three times a year, get cheap tickets into see their local Spartaka and Dynamo club teams go at it.

It would behoove all of you to stop and consider, based on how history tells you life is changed in countries where socialism was imposed with a heavy hand, as to how it might be imposed here. Everything from weddings to buying cat and dog food.

On the religious front, don’t be surprised to see Jews once again wearing the yellow Star of David, and probably will move into ghettos voluntarily for their own safety.

And while some Christians are now beginning to cut out crude stars such as these and wear them in their own churches as a sign of protest against rising anti-semitism and indifference among some Christian congregations, don’t be surprised to see maybe Christians being forced to wear a cross to identify themselves in the same way, should they want to be so bold as to crow about their religious faith, as employment in the state apparatus will definitely be based on employees having no other god but the State.

And when socialism gets total control in America, this public chastisement and persecution of any outward expression of faith will apply to all faiths, including Islam…

…which brings us to the core principle of socialism, and that is it will use any device to gain power, then discard it, as needed once power has been attained. Socialism, meet Muslim Brotherhood, Muslim Brotherhood, meet Socialism.

Once power has been attained, you will then see the fundamental structure and purpose of education change. All education will be focused on insuring every child have a minimum education in the Three R’s, so that the school system will be a place to evaluate and channel students for future careers in state service. So math and engineering and chemistry will be in, English literature, even sociology and psychology greatly diminished to serve only the core needs of the state school apparatus. Women’s studies, communications, gay cinematography, music appreciation and underwater basket weaving will be out.

Now if this sounds remarkably like what you’d like to do in your own schools as a free people, it is. Only the State will do it for an entirely different purpose, just as they will impose dress codes, not just in schools but on public streets, speech codes, and behavior codes.

This is what happens when free people abdicate their own power over culture. The socialists know that no society can function with so much promiscuous anarchy going on its culture, which is why they have spent fifty years helping us destroy our own free exercise of that control, so that can then come in behind us and exercise the same control to build a dictatorship of the few.

Which Brings us to OccupyHUIA

My buddy, Bernard Chumm, brought to mind how all this might play out with the Occupy Movement.

A school vivisection, just described, is but one small impact the socialist victory will have on the OccupyHeadUpItsArse movement, since 90% of the degree programs that drove those people to the various parks around America in the first place will no longer be in existence.

No educational pursuit will be permitted without having an occupational objective, and the state will decide what those occupations will be, and how many each year will be selected to enter those fields. All others will be sent to the salt mines of their minds, or as Occupy kids like to think about it, “mindless jobs.”

Twenty years hence, by 8th Grade, all those modern Occupy types will have been segregated by test results and channeled into areas that best suit their strengths, not their likes. There will be no call for electric guitar players.

The State’s purpose explicitly will be to insure there will be no future generations of Occupiers in America.

But what do about the current lot?

Yes, the socialists know, have always known, that their useful idiots are the quickest to turn and bite them. The working people, the tea party-types, will of course react, but they can be planned for. Re-education camps…can you spell konzentration?…will be established, through which millions will be funneled. Some will not return, as is normal with any gulag. Not even for burial. But most will return changed.

But as we are seeing with the dismantling of the of Occupy parks now, and as Bernie pointed out, the Occupy organizers’ principal objectives have been met, including culling as many as 1% of the Occupy army and moving them into more permanent work with the various entities involved there.

The rest, well, they are left to fend for themselves. The wiser ones will simply go home hoping no one took their names. But the teatfittery group requires a final dance, and they will be dealt with last, as they are now, and most will be arrested and entered into the system.

A really bad move, for when socialism finally gets control, it knows they will be among the first to screech on seeing themselves less free, not more, especially when they are denied some precious “right” such as wanton trespass and destruction of others’ property.

As predicted, their propensity for teatfittery will overwhelm them, and unwittingly they will rush headlong into building their own private scaffolding. No re-education camps for them. The state won’t have time. Lenin didn’t. Like others before him and after him, the first rule is to shut them up.



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