(h/t Unified Patriots artists)


Back in the 1920’s when it was still a new subject in Europe, GK Chesterton remarked that too much was being made about the Bolsheviks, and not near enough about Bolshevism.

The  Europeans considered the Russians an uncultured and boorish lot anyway, so it was easy to look between those dark, brooding Slavic eyebrows and see an “ism” carried by an uncouth, semi-civilized race, then define that ism by its carriers rather the other way around.

Even in modern times, when Hillary Rodham was still a young Marxist in law school, it was common to blame the “ugly face” of communism on those Russian rubes who belched into their napkins. There was a kinder, gentler Marxism out there, and it was only for her and her generation to go find it.

Considering the American propensity for defining people by their quirks anyway; Bush’s twang, Carter’s faux populism (carrying a garment bag over his shoulder), it isn’t hard to let  the marketers take it from there and create, for a portion of the population at least, a person totally different from the real McCoy.

Both sides do this now, but until Obama came long, no political  figure had become such a national laughing stock, at so many levels, as Jimmy Carter. And he did it all by himself.

But it’s the Left who has mastered this marketing as a purposeful feint creating a cottage industry out of holding up in front of our noses a blemish with their right hand, a thing to hate and deride, solely for the purpose of keeping our attention drawn away from their Left.

As much as we love to hate him, poke fun at him, belittle him, and take pleasure in seeing him caricatured and parodied for all those precious little traits he can’t help but put on display…

…his arrogance, his narcissism, his megalomania, his bouts of pretended royalty…

















…his stumbling high-wire act  just trying to stay intellectually engaged in any moment, his visceral hatred of work …


…and equal obsession for play…

…his indifference and lack of understanding of anything even remotely middle class…

…his appalling lack or worldliness about any subject, from Chaucer to Bill Cosby, from changing a tire to changing the battery on a clock, or anything requiring any rudiment of math…

…his effeteness…






…or that he posed for the What We Worry pictures at Mad Magazine…

I sometimes wonder if he sleeps with a pacifier.



But we must never be unaware of the “ism” behind the “him”.


It doesn’t matter whether that hidden Left hand is Barack Obama’s, a collection of subordinates or a collection of puppeteers. That crime scene behind the yellow tape is what we must keep our focus on, for either way, removing Barack Obama, whether we vote him out of office, or laugh him out of office, will not end the criminality nor will it restore the crime scene to its original condition.

Some argue, and I am still unsure, that Obama is not in charge of anything. For all the reasons you could easily deduce that a man who can’t tie his own shoe-laces also can’t bury the Statue of Liberty halfway up to its eyeballs, you have a point.

But somebody sure is, and we need to keep our main focus on not just who, but what that is.

The proof is in the pudding.  For while some say we are trying to turn ourselves into European socialists, I know of no cases in Europe’s trek to socialism…

…where the government stormed into a company, as it did Gibson Guitar, yes, THE Gibson Guitar, seized all its papers, shut it down, for using the same wood a competitor, a big Democrat supporter-competitor is also using…

…where the state outlawed the manufacture of one product, old incandescent light bulbs, then required Americans to buy a new, more expensive, more  dangerous type, giving almost exclusive rights to distribute and manufacture it by Obama’s chief of his Jobs Council, the CEO of General Electric, and one of the biggest exporter of jobs abroad…

…where the government threatened banks to make questionable home loans to questionable buyers who cannot pay it back, and is trying to repeat that practice now, see Fannie Mae suits against banks, after those practices nearly destroyed the economy in 2008…

…where the state threatened corporations who seek to manufacture products in right-to-work states (Boeing) in order to 1) reduce costs and 2) insure buyers they will be able to deliver contracts on time…

…and yes, where the government is sticking a gun to the head of the American people, by threatening jail and fines, and seizure of property without due process of law, unless they buy a product they overwhelmingly do not want. Maybe we would do better if we called this Democratcare, or Socialistcare rather then Obamacare. (Much of that sand covering Lady Liberty is from rules and regulations already enacted by the new socialized healthcare law.

This is not the behavior of socialist do-gooders, not even by Greek standards. This is not, like the Europeans, a capitulation to their public unions after years of not paying attention to their unsustainable growth.

Rather, this is an attempt to empower unions, so as to complete a takeover of the government and national infrastructure.  This is not a measure to prevent goon law, but rather one to enable it, to put uniforms on it and put it into the street under the color of law. (Brown shirts optional.)

This is not socialism. This is fascism, in its ugliest, most thug-ocratic manifestation since Berlin in 1934, or Idi Amin in 1971 (your choice).

And these things will not necessarily go away if Obama goes away.

Keep your eyes on the prize, which is digging Lady Liberty out from that 94′ sand trap. While we have to go after the criminals, we have to pursue the criminality even more.



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