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Wealth-Based Gender Dysphoria; George Sand and a 19th Century Better Understanding

Perhaps someone would contact the heirs of Garden City Publishing, at one time a part of the Doubleday publishing empire, to reprint some of its older 20th Century books. Some are becoming more and more relevant as the American dysphoria (a profound sense of unease or dissatisfaction) passes over American youth as a dark shade.

Almost all Gender-dysphoria is wealth-based.

Bet you didn’t know that? And the wealthy sectors have considered homosexuality and its other orientations from the main sexual highway; discomfort by being wrapped in human packaging not to a child’s liking, to be mere eccentricities.

Practically speaking, this should be common sense. Poor and working class kids can’t afford private schools or other privileges of wealth. In the early days when millions of central European migrants flooded into the United States, almost all from Roman Catholic countries, Catholic educations were widespread; e.g. Boston, New York, Chicago, usually through 6th Grade. This process extended well into the modern era. But by the 1970s America had segregated itself into economic-based communities, from lower working class neighborhoods, including single-parent tenements from the LBJ era, to white-collar suburban neighborhoods. Today many of those are very left-wing and professional. No matter what state you live in you can pick any of these left-wing centers. You can find them in every state, marked by universities, colleges and government centers, federal and state.

My Baby Boomers were eyewitness to these shifts in population. What seemed to bind them together was what we still call the Pop Culture; music, television and film. Only, reflections on attitudes about homosexuality, public and hidden, and gender-awareness and choices were only recently injected into the social formula. And as expected, not as Science, or as Mental Health, but as Political campaigns.

You see, the equation has never changed for over 200 years. Only the math has, and the current campaign is designed to alter that math, by adding additional letters in the LGBT banners…GD works for me, “gender dysphoria”.

I ran across this book in my own inventory of books for sale at eBay, George Sand, The Search for Love, a 1927 book by Marie Jenney Howe, herself a radical Feminist allied with the Heterodoxy Debating Society of Greenwich Village. In 1904 she married William Howe, a Wilson-Progressive. They had no children, and in 1912 she sailed off to France to unearth the letters and notes of the author George Sand, who wrote, and often lived as a man, and at one time outsold both Victor Hugo and Honore de Balzac in France in the 1830s.

George Sand (aka Aurora Dupin) was a popular French writer in the mid-1800s. She was born of the upper class, which needs here to be mentioned in the context of the American dysphoria about sexual identity, for most of American gays, as well as trans youth, also come from upper economic spheres. They were not earners in the sense they need the money, nor have they proven they are skilled at anything worthy of reward. George Sand simply went out and proved she could write, and in many respects she threw down all sorts of road blocks.Yet she succeeded. She was uninterested in participation trophies.

As mentioned, our guest starlet here, George Sand, was a much-read French novelist in the 18th Century, only she carried no chip on her shoulder.

(I don’t use “gender” simply because it is a very recent replacement of a term known as “sex” having to do with a child’s biological determination at the time of birth.)

1: At 22, a Wealthy-Youth: A familiar sign of pain, but one she, unlike 21st Century sisters, would outgrow. She was married for awhile, at 18, had two children, then separated.

2: Early Tomboy (see book cover)

3. Tomboy (see book cover)

4. As a Well-respected older lady

George was back and forth, having (straight) long affairs with several notable men, including Frederic Chopin in her 40’s. Victor Hugo commented, “George Sand cannot determine whether she is male or female. I entertain a high regard for all my colleagues, but it is not my place to decide whether she is my sister or my brother.” She preferred to wear men’s clothing in public, arguing they were more comfortable, and easier to maintain…and if you’ll note the cover art, you may find some sense in that notion in 19th Century Paris. She also smoked cigars in public, which French law required a license to do. She was never busted, but being of the noble class, that is likely to be expected.

(You may find this strange, but in the past 40 years or in the United States so it was still illegal for an unescorted female to sit at a bar or to sit at a table and smoke without being accompanied by a male…(both inferences of prostitution). These were still laws while I was in college in the 1960s. Ask my first wife.)

Knowing of George Sand, and having read her, Marie Jenney Howe, who wrote this book, went to Paris in 1912 to search thru Sand’s papers, and who had died in 1876. Ms Howe was herself a fierce early feminist and suffragette, her husband, Frederick C Howe, a Progressive professor, and member of FDR’s government. Mrs Howe was a founding member of the Heterodoxy Movement, at Greenwich Village, New York, a debating society of many prominent early feminists.

What is entertaining and interesting about this book, is that it was not a screed, or a whine, so a different type of “liberal-leftist” wrote it than exists today. Nor was it a plea for better treatment for self-described lesbians, or trannies, or any other sort of woman, but more about the remarkable insights of a female writer who did not feel sorry for herself as being denied things, but rather, having the foresight to carve her life up into various episodes, and go thru each episode as an adventure in and of itself.

She was not a foot-stomping screecher or wailer of the lot, and that’s my real point here. The book, George Sand actually provides accolades for Ms Dupin/Mssr Sand for not throwing a fit about being denied any of her wished-for rights, but rather how well she adapted not so much to the world as it unfolded, but how much she adapted to those changes as she aged and matured.

This little honey (pictured below) may never mature, and may remain bitchy and resentful for the rest of her life, and our only prayer should be that she not have children.


BOOK OFFER: The book shown is for sale. Of course it is simpatico, but it is not whiny or teat-fit ridden. And it actually provides accolades for Ms Dupin/Mssr Sand for not throwing a fit about being denied any self-actualizing realization expectation. You can find the book here,  at eBay, and click BUY or make an offer, or simply find other copies (this is a 4th printing, March, 1929).

Just know, that what has changed in the past 100 years has not been the existence of feminism, or the existence sexual dysphoria, young males and females unsure who or what they want to be, but that the sense of entitlement is entirely wealth-based, only it is not the victims of this dysphoria who will profit from it.

George Sand simply proved you can go your own way, and have a nice life while denying the middlemen and women their fees.


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