The Last Word on Nullification is that There is Never a Last Word

I sent a copy of Publius-Huldah's excellent legal essay to my son, who gobbled it up and then took the occasion of his morning drive to call me about it. You see, he's a...

Missionizing Millennials, Saving Ben Shapiro

Recently Rev Billy Graham said that if people are going to call themselves "Christian" it would be helpful if, from time to time, they would mention Jesus. An obverse to Rev Graham's point was...


(Newsbreak: Several groups, including some members of Congress, have called for the revocation of the Presidential Medal of Freedom awarded to Bill Cosby in 2002.) Definition: "A groupie is generally considered a devoted female fan of...

American Theology Simply Stated, The Transcendence of Liberty

The Transcendence of Liberty I’ve told this story before, of the time in 1991 I attended a birthday party for a law professor at a university in USSR Ukraine. Around three tables pushed together, in...

When Shall We Three Meet Again?

  When the hurley burley's done, When the Battle's lost and won---MacBeth, Act 1, Scene 1 Three women walk into a bakery and ask for a two-tiered wedding cake. The owner pulls out a catalogue of designs,...