“The People of Liberty” or a Better Managed Republican Team?

Taking the Republican Party away from these current usurpers will be a long overdue restoration, and quite frankly, it couldn’t come at a better...

Gear up! 2022-2024… Reading the Left’s Game Plan

If you'll recall the four-hour delay on election night, 2016, when many key states shut down reporting, and the networks stopped calling winners, the...

A Letter to a Few Patriots in Congress

Dear Jim: Happy Christmas! Many Blessings on your House. Always Remember that the solution to any condition begins with a unified theory. Then remember that throughout History...

An End to America as We Knew It?

The case for Math and Science I've been a believer in Benford's Law about mathematical "improbabilities" since the magnitude of the "Biden win" in key...

The Shut Out…A Rump Congress, the much-needed Left Foot of Fellowship.

It's hard to keep the name of Oliver Cromwell out of what is happening right now in America, as even today English History both...