A Letter from Cumberland Gap, Our Last Talk
I had expected a Quickening, but not before Christmas.
This is from a Vietnam vet, Infantry platoon leader, college roommate one year, a fine prosecutor,...
Famous Uncommon People I Have Known: Russian Bad vs Ukraine Bad, Things you May...
Part 1.,
In 1989 I packed my bags and moved to an office in Northern Kentucky just opposite Cincinnati. It was not important to me...
How Veterans can Redirect much of America’s Public Education
...and a new Education Model in America can provide both employment and justification for veterans service.
For a few years I managed a veterans website...
Wealth, Privilege and Learning; The Law of Generations
Pascal lamented about those who are Lost and don't know they are lost, because they are not seeking to be found.
You can't forget or...
Guarding the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
Americans see these soldiers standing watch over the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, but almost no one knows that each soldier must essentially join...