Raising Fear With Arizona
Code Name: The Squad
Bet you thought this was to be about the election audit. Nope, it's taken from a film, "Raising Arizona", from 35 years ago, about the kidnapping of a child by that...
Is the Left Trying to Foment a Race War? A Civil War?
Haven't heard from Jesse Jackson in months. Maybe he has women-problems again. Or just lack of media presence? Or failing street cred?
Now he's suddenly reappears in Chicago heading a coalition of Chicago ministers attacking...
The Second Amendment vs the Divine Right of Kings; “Go to Gulag”
For the entirety of the Obama years, and once again, now during this Biden Interregnum, the call for stricter gun control has again reached crescendo levels, largely because of the increase of gun deaths...
Why Sol Alinsky Knew How Things Work, and Why We Don’t Seem to Anymore
This is a "How Should Things Work?" exercise built upon the body of evidence of How Things Work in reality.
Saul Alinksky had to know "how things worked in America" in 1971 before he could...
Berkeley, 1964, Why it Matters Today
The first campus takeover that began that trend began on the campus of the University of California at Berkeley, more often referred to as simply "Berkeley".
If you have any personal memory of that campus...