None Dare Calll it “Love of Country”
It has been reported by Josh Dawsey of Politico, (and no real fan of Donald Trump’s administration) that Dana Boente, an Obama appointee, will now be handling the investigation into the “Trump Administration and...
The Women’s March in DC, Harrowers From Hell, A Christian Apologist Perspective
(Note to Christian apologists: This is why atheists are worth your time.)
Mortimer Adler was the 20th Century's most prominent American philosopher, living almost the entirety of it, 1902-2001. Well into my 30's (the 1970s),...
Distinguishing Donald Trump, A Man in the Trades
In 1944 Dwight Eisenhower was one of the most powerful men in the world. In June he was about to send hundreds of thousands of men into a battle, it's outcome and the lives...
Hillary and History, Why Prosecution May Not be the Best Way to Cement Her...
Item: Donald Trump, despite his promises to the contrary during the campaign, has announced he will not seek to pursue criminal charges against Hillary Clinton over both her private email crimes while at the State Department, and her...
Right and Alt-Right
We really can't begin to understand this phenomenon of alt-right, until we understand the origins of "the right". The linkage of understanding is just one term; the Left, as being the place from which all true understanding begins, and...