Last Call for Renaissance!

If we surrender the "power of ownership to the People" then the Left will have no less than 100 yrs, (3 gens) to lose...

How Donald Trump is Redefining the Political Parties (for the Better)

As you know from my earliest essays, I've been doing this kind of work for several years. At I've compiled a brief history...

What is to be Done?

Natural Law is exactly what it say it is; Laws that nature imposes on humans whether we like it or not. Nature can either...

American Theology Simply Stated; The Transcendence of Liberty

The Transcendence of Liberty I’ve told this story before, of the time in 1991 I attended a birthday party for a law professor at a...

Why Should we Tolerate Marxists When They Call us Fascists?

Hear this (I just forwarded to my blind friend, Haystack, who writes here frequently. Over the coming months you will see and hear hundreds...