The Hunt for Red Rino’s
It begins.
Democrat Senate Democrats have launched what will be known as its search for Red Rino's to wreck Donald Trump's promises to the American voters.
(Yes, I know Democrats are blue, not red, but I'm an...
German Government Ineptitude, Not Merkel Immigration Policies, Will Bring Her Government Down in 2017
(the Chinese symbol for Chaos)
Angela Merkel's policies on immigration, while the overriding cause of this tragic truck-murder in Berlin, must now take a back seat to the Merkel government's incompetence and indifference as the...
Syria’s Three (3) Bad Guys Exposed
There were always two bad guys in Syria, ever since the Assad family took over the Ba'ath Party and created a military dictatorship in 1970. Hafez al-Assad ruled Syria until he died in 2000....