The Antifa Merit Badge

Hey, it's RNC Week, so why not have a few slaps and tickles about Antifa? I can see an annual Pilgrimage to Portland some day,...

About Neutralizing those Laser Attacks by Antifa

As you know 3 DHS agents may have been permanently blinded by direct hits on their eyes with green laser beams. My first complaint off...

With “Skunk” We Could Have Ended This Rioting in Two Days

I've been writing about Antifa and Black Lives Matter since Obama, especially in ways private citizens can sneak around in the dark and dampen...

The Battle of Algiers (1966)- A Road Map

This Is a film, not a documentary, and not a single drop of documentary news reel is involved, yet, most people when they see...

In Celebration of the Neocons

In 2004, awaiting a vote in the newly liberated Iraq, their first democratic vote ever, I wrote my first published essay, "Prospects for Democracy in...