The American Theology of Liberty

(First published here in 2015, when Donald Trump first appeared on the scene and animated a body of voters that hadn't been seen, considered, or closely analyzed for a very long time. (It appears that...

Science and History and Facts

Science began as a logical and reasoned inquiry into how Nature works. Isaac Newton and gravity always comes to mind first with me. You'll note it's tied together with mathematics, and how many times...

Teaching the Lost who Don’t Know they are Lost; Basic Considerations

Just sit down for a moment and try to get you head around that notion; "People who are Lost, but don't know they are Lost". Consider the popular fairy tale "Three Little Pigs and the...

Governments of Men, How Things Work in Nature

"Writing for people who don't read": For the lifelong student historian-philosopher, as well as Christian apologist, this is an interesting subject for it is about really only a few hard and fast rules, mostly those...

Why Did Jesus Only Preach to the Little People?

Or, Organizing Government from the Top Down; Is Jesus for it, or against it? This is an exercise in logic. My friend, JadedbyPolitics, editor at, and current Precinct Project firebrand in Northern Virginia, where the...