There is No Such Thing as a Dictatorship of the 80%.

That's called something else. And America invented it. Beyond the daily caterwauling of the Media, there are now appearing more learned articles by people average people never heard of who are proclaiming that Trump's election...

Don’t Think Like a Jew in Paris in ’39

If you feel like a Jew in Paris in '39 after Hitler had just smashed the last resistance in Warsaw, you might sit back and think how lucky you are to be a Jew...

Making Mock of Communism; How East Europeans Would Respond to Antifa

Every country of the Soviet East European bloc hated Russians. And every one of them, with the possible exception of East Germany, hated the Communists. Within the old Soviet bloc; the Balkans, Bulgaria and much...

The Bolsheviks Among Us

Maybe we should all agree one a single term for this enemy confronting us, now that it's showing its face more clearly. Even with bastards, it's sometimes important to know where they were born, and...

How Things Work When Unworkable Things are Allowed to Work (Step Two)

This is Part II, a Tactical overview of a suggestion I posed here on June 29. "Dealing With Public Insanity as if Our Lives Depended on it" To be at this point, you've at least...