Saul Alinsky’s Doctrine: 8 steps to topple a nation

(NOTE) (I stand corrected on the facts stated in this piece, published in 2021, and notified by Mr Ralph Benko, an authority on Saul Alinsky, who it seems WAS NOT an inspiration for Hilary and...

Impeachment Kabuki, Barricades and Empire

In Eastern Europe there was an interesting story about Caiaphas, the High Priest of the Sanhedrin, who urged Pilate to order the crucifixion of Jesus. Some churches that became Eastern Orthodox territory of eastern...

The Genesis of “Hate as a Religion” in America

Every solution to a problem begins with a unified theory- Dr Gregory House Ayn Rand was an emigre-Russian intellectual who died in 1982 at the age of 77. She founded an extremely narrow philosophy called...

A Letter to a Few Patriots in Congress

Dear Jim: Happy Christmas! Many Blessings on your House. Always Remember that the solution to any condition begins with a unified theory. Then remember that throughout History the primary struggle has always been between Man's innate desire...

A Introductory Letter About What the 77 Million Should do Next…..

...Instead of Minding Other Peoples' Business (This is just a Prelude) OK, you're among the 77 million who voted for Trump and you're 55 to 65, probably with grandchildren, and most of you have been with...