Science and History and Facts
Science began as a logical and reasoned inquiry into how Nature works. Isaac Newton and gravity always comes to mind first with me. You'll note it's tied together with mathematics, and how many times...
The Iffiness in Science that makes Everything a Coin Flip
I have several fits-and-starts in my stack of stuff, all centering around scientific debates not just about how human history is written, but how human achievement is defined, going back long before history could...
Wikipedia and the Killing of History, a Guide
This will be a short note to highlight a link to a subject I researched for a commentary about Manifest Destiny mentioned in historian Bernard DeVoto's book 1846, the Year of Decision (1943). Almost...
COVID, The Mask, and Fear
Everyone has his or her favorite "mask" story. There's the guy or gal we see, then do a doubletake when ee notice they're alone driving in their car, all alone, but still with that...
The Daily Poke, Oct 7, 2020: The Covid Mask and Laziness
(OK, I missed a day.)
By now everyone knows where the Covid-19 vulnerabilities lay; the aged and infirm, especially when both apply to the same person. Something like 80%+ of America's deaths belong to that...