Where is Matt? After a Decade’s Slide into Darkness (Revised)

  Matt Harding was born in 1976, a Gen-Xer (1965-1980). That Generation is just as apt to cling to the old ways and standards of their parents (Baby Boomers, 1942-1964) as they are to become...

The Russian-Ukrainian Village, Evening Bells

  In the 1960s I earned a minor in Russian Studies at university which interestingly enough, provided me with a lot of background to what I would observe when I visited Ukraine and central Russia...

Sad Mamas

Postscript I watched a gathering of parents and children at my YMCA gym for their weekly 2-hour session teaching young 5-6 year olds how to handle and shoot a basketball. About 20 kids, all races,...

“Heaven for Climate, Hell for Society”, Hal Holbrook

  You'd have to watch a lot of Hal Holbrook's presentations to find the one quoted in the title. But I heard off an old LP from 40 years ago, and he was comparing the...

The Fatal Glass of Beer by W C Fields, 1933

Speaks for itself https://youtu.be/RgpHfQpYxl4