The Bolsheviks Among Us

Maybe we should all agree one a single term for this enemy confronting us, now that it's showing its face more clearly. Even with bastards, it's sometimes important to know where they were born, and...

Earth Day, April 22, 1970, Russia’s Biggest Hoax, Remembered

vassar / April 22, 2019 (Written years ago, this used to be an annual celebration of Leftist cupidity, but now it's getting serious, especially on the Religion front. I think they're willing...

Oligarchs, Toward a Working Definition Inside the Deep State

Steve Bannon recently referred to Michael Bloomberg as an "oligarch", which I believe is a fair extension of the term, since it has been used selectively in the media to a more narrow club membership, as if Russian...

Shameless Cravens and a Plea for History

This is only an opinion. There is not enough hard evidence available for me to say without equivocation that Lindsey Graham is a craven, much less a shameless one. But there is enough circumstantial evidence to...


When I watched LTC Vindman march up to Congress for his off-camera testimony before Adam Schiff's impeachment committee, and heard that he was a naturalized US citizen originally from Ukraine, I first noticed the CIB (Combat Infantryman's Badge)...