Reprisals and the Killing of Civilians in War

"In Belgium there are many towns whose cemeteries today have rows and rows of memorial stones inscribed with a name, the date 1914, and...

Thoughts About Squishing Bugs

Every spring, in the bathroom sink, dozens of little black ants come out of the woodwork and dance around the basin. After 65 years...

Scratch a Russian and you’ll find a ……?

(Footnoted, 3/10) Rudyard Kipling once wrote:                 "I had six honest serving men who taught me all I know. They were, Who, What, Where, When, Why...

The Parable of the Grannies

As I've mentioned in other contexts, I spent a lot of time in the USSR before it fell, and then both Russia and Ukraine,...

Making Mock of Communism; How East Europeans Would Respond to Antifa

Every country of the Soviet East European bloc hated Russians. And every one of them, with the possible exception of East Germany, hated the...