“Going After….” -A Commentary about Laws of War and Laws of Civil Society

Some fellow who apparently lost a city council race in Canada said after our Senate vote to acquit Donald Trump: "PSA: Everyone MUST go after...

Days of Infamy?

Are the days of infamy behind us? Or are they just beginning? When President Roosevelt addressed Congress on December 8th, 1941 he said December 7th would...

The Genesis of “Hate as a Religion” in America

Every solution to a problem begins with a unified theory- Dr Gregory House Ayn Rand was an emigre-Russian intellectual who died in 1982 at the...

Bill Still and “The Pence Card”…an Historical Prospectus?

Background: Bill Still is an interesting man. He's near my age and does regular video reports (over 3400) about various conservative issues. He's on...

A Letter to a Few Patriots in Congress

Dear Jim: Happy Christmas! Many Blessings on your House. Always Remember that the solution to any condition begins with a unified theory. Then remember that throughout History...