How Things Work For People who Don’t Read, or Won’t Read

America has come to a crossroads and the outcome all depends on whether the majority, who for all those years didn't read, and now won't except in 240-character couplets, clean up their acts. I've told...

If Donald Trump Sent Out a Tweet Message Asking for a Reform Plan

(Yeah, I know DLT's not on Twitter...but play along with me here. There's actually a couple of people I know on Gettr I wish Trump would ask for advice...John Bolton not being one of...

One Ring to Rule Them All: The Government as the Principal Shareholder in the...

I've already noted in Part First that the demon seed of Royalism burns in all governments, going back to the pharaohs. To control others. That's the natural (law) inclination of all governments. Knowing this simple,...

Is States Rights Back? A Return of America’s Lost Army

I'm not sure when American public schools began skimming over the first era of our history, 1787-1824, but I'm going to guess sometime after the Civil War, when the two-party system emerged as representing...

Donald Trump and the Two-Front War

With his speech Donald Trump at CPAC seems to have lit the fuse for not only a cultural Awakening in America, but a "two-front war", lighting the fuse of liberty among the people of...