Never Take Yourself Too Damned Seriously; Saving Ben Howe
As a writer, Ben Howe is a good IT guy, and as a critical thinker, he's an absolute DaVinci with Sarah Palin's cleavage.
But Ben Howe thinks he's good...
Missionizing Millennials, Saving Ben Shapiro
Recently Rev Billy Graham said that if people are going to call themselves "Christian" it would be helpful if, from time to time, they...
Will Establishment Elitism Win Again in 2016?
This is one of my favorite "Famous Common People I Have Known" stories (available at Amazon) about a man who personified the turned-up-nose imagry we...
The Doctrine of Liberty, The Original Republican Brand, Who Owns It?
I claim primacy for the GOP that is the older of the two, as well as the one that claims the greater chance of actually growing in size
Finally, the Republican Establishment Has Found a Hill it’s Willing to Die On
The GOP Establishment are not cowards, after all. They are quislings. "Hoka Hey", as the Oglala say.