We Need a Ben Franklin in America’s Board Room, and Newt’s the Man

Ben Franklin was 70 when the Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776, and 81 when the Constitution was signed in 1787. He signed...

It’s Those Damned 7-11 Cameras That Are the Real Racists, Not Cops

Why are some people saying the cops are targeting blacks?  Statistics prove otherwise, only no one, especially in the Jungle, reads statistics. Pictures are much better. And...

After Brexit, We Shoot the Bureaucrats

"Every successful analysis begins with a unified theory." Some Americans credit Donald Trump for the success of Brexit, while others are saying Trump owes Brexit for bumping his campaign...

Can Grown-Ups Save Conservatism? an Observation

Considering what has happened to conservatism, and conservatives, politically, ideologically, culturally, even morally, in the past eleven months because of the rise of Donald Trump, it may...

The Hanging of Jake Spoon, a Cautionary Tale for Trump Haters and Democrats in...

(I first wrote this in 2010, as notice to Democrats that they were running with outlaws, and certain laws apply when they do do that....