Will Mrs Clinton Accept Election Results if Trump Wins?

Chris Wallace hounded Donald Trump on his assertion "election is rigged' but failed to ask Mrs Clinton would she and the Democrats also accept...

Hillary’s Glass Ceiling With Liberal Democrat Voters

Turns  out it's not glass, but wood. This is not about Donald Trump, but Hillary's ongoing difficulties with her own voter base, as expressed in...

Rush Limbaugh and the End of the Ancien Regime in America

The "Ancien Regime" was the name given to the French dynasties from the 15th Century until the monarchy was thrown down by the French Revolution...

How the Tea Party Replaced National Review as the Intellectual Standard Bearer for Conservatism

In March 2011 I suggested that the Tea Party had become the intellectual antidote to the Left, which was never really that difficult. But it was not...

The Doctrine of Liberty, The Original Republican Brand, Will Donald Trump Restore it?

Will he want to? Does he even know it exists? Well now he does, and now Donald Trump knows that the Doctrine of Liberty is...