War-Gaming the Coming War IV; The Bureaucracy

Of all the inside-enemies Donald Trump has, the bureaucracy is the one he knows best, for he has been butting heads with it for...

Foreward to the Revised Edition, “How the American People Found Donald Trump”

March 2017, Richmond Donald Trump has been president now for less than two months, and remarkably, he seems to be keeping to his promises despite...

War Gaming, Part II: The Flynn-Spin

.(see Part I, Introduction, here.) In December, 1941, America went to war, and that war wasn't over until September, 1945. Almost four years. The whole nation...

War Gaming the Left’s Next Moves, An Introduction

Prologue I've been saying for years that this war can only end one way, especially since it became apparent the political establishment had no taste...

A Note to the GOP: You Ride With Criminals, You Hang With Criminals

There's some talk that many Republicans in both the Senate and the House are getting wobbly about actually ending Obamacare. Suddenly, it's "repair", not "repeal...