The Consequences to a Sane Society Knowingly Electing a Demented Man to be President
...and Then Only Watching and Waiting
Three days before the 2020 election, Nov 1, I posted the article below with this title. I don't generally do politics. I do analytics and what I call "Teachings",...
In The Hills of Shiloh
One of the main reasons this site is even here is to connect America and its political framework to natural law and the covenant God struck with Abraham about 2000 years before Christ....
Law of Generations for Millennials and Z’s
The Law of Generations
Younger conservatives wanting to make a name for themselves since the rise of Donald Trump in 2016, were even seven years younger than they are today, so when I read about...
How War Affects the Home Front When the Home Front is Where the War...
Kursk battlefield is in western Russia, near the Ukrainian border. In 1943 it hosted the largest tank battle in history, one which began the shift of the war on the Russian Front from the...
The Democrat’s Takeover by a Quiet, Rolling Putsch?
"Putsch" is a German version of the French "coup d'etat", which is more familiar to most people. Baby Boomers and those who read World War II history (which our fathers fought in) know "putsch"...