Why Donald Trump Will Win in the End, a Theological View

It's sad but true that many people worship Donald Trump as a demigod; a lesser divinity. Trump doesn't take himself that seriously, and would...

How Likely is the Impeachment of Donald Trump? Really.

Pat Buchanan is a little more dark, and less optimistic than I am about America's chances if an impeachment process is begun. Pat and I and...

The Beginning of the Quickening

What a time to be alive! Because we're stuck in the middle of it, and even in our small ways, all involved it in, it's...

Obamasurance, a Leak in the Republican Party’s Ark?

Had they called it "Obamasurance", which it is, instead of Obamacare, which it never has been, it may never have become law in the first place. And...

Donald Trump, the Media and the Authorized Histories

Some years ago an old friend, now passed, told me how his mother had been his religious mentor for most his life. There wasn’t a spiritual lesson that he had studied...