American Theology Simply Stated, The Transcendence of Liberty

The Transcendence of Liberty I’ve told this story before, of the time in 1991 I attended a birthday party for a law professor at a...

The Doctrine of Liberty, The Original Republican Brand, Who Owns It?

I claim primacy for the GOP that is the older of the two, as well as the one that claims the greater chance of actually growing in size

Man’s Thirst for Kings

And Certain Men's thirst for men to Rule

Does a Straight Woman Have a Chance in Today’s Democrat Party?

Does a straight male dancer have a chance in a chorus line on Broadway today?

Ecce, Homo!… Ecce Impostor!

"Behold, the Man!" (Ecce, Homo!), Pontius Pilate, just before he handed Christ over to the mob. (John 19:5)