When JFK was a Superstar with American Youth on the Subject of “Freedom”
You need to pay attention to the lyrics of this song, for words like these have not been directed toward American youth for close to 60 years. The Vietnam War changed the message altogether.
How Things Were designed to Work in the US Military, Tucker Carlson, retired Army...
Tucker Carlson interviews Arm Col Douglas MacGregor (ret) on August 22, 2023 about how things are going in Ukraine and Russia, and the US Military in general.
This is 45 minutes long, but well-worth your...
As Human Freedom Dangles Precariously from the Tree of Liberty…
...just what are the key elements that certifies that we are a free people, in charge of our own affairs?
That has been from the very beginning the down-deep belief common in America since 1787,...
Linking Victor Davis Hansen’s “Thermidor Reaction in Jacobin America” to the Law of Generations
Victor Davis Hansen's "Thermidor Reaction in Jacobin America", reprinted here, explained in vivid, living color, what Americans have always found so inscrutable about the French Revolution.
Mark Twain, as portrayed by Hal Holbrook, once quipped...
To be American, American Exceptionalism and Assimilation- How Things Worked and Must Work
I think there is a general misconception of just what assimilation means to the ideal of “to be American”.
To understand American exceptionalism you must first realize that it was created by the American people, not...