Next Question, Can a Sane Society Elect a Demented Man as President?
(I published this same question two days before the 2020 general election. And true to form, the Democrats stole it. Then, on January 6,...
The Consequences to a Sane Society Knowingly Electing a Demented Man to be President
...and Then Only Watching and Waiting
Three days before the 2020 election, Nov 1, I posted the article below with this title. I don't generally...
Shutting Off the Bratling Valve at the Tap/ Part I, Identifying the Types
I'll let you give your own names to these various "types" of bratlings below. They have a rich and storied history in the United...
Word-Pictures of What Nazis Pretending to be Civilized Look and Sound Like
"The Stranger" was a 1946 post-war film noir vehicle about a Nazi SS mass murderer who had escaped to America, and of course, the...