When JFK was a Superstar with American Youth on the Subject of “Freedom”
You need to pay attention to the lyrics of this song, for words like these have not been directed toward American youth for close...
Mooning the Left and other Atheists
Remember the rules that Marxist academics first invoked in the 19th Century...
Rule #1: "Never debate opponents with facts in front of an audience" (for...
Natural Law and Gays in the Herd, Part I
The "Lemming suicide story" is largely myth...No, they don't rush off cliffs in Norway, throwing themselves into the sea in order to kill themselves....
To be American, American Exceptionalism and Assimilation- How Things Worked
I think there is a general misconception of just what assimilation means to the ideal of “to be American”.
To understand American exceptionalism you must first...
Thoughts About Squishing Bugs
Every spring, in the bathroom sink, dozens of little black ants come out of the woodwork and dance around the basin. After 65 years...