Mooning the Left and other Atheists

Remember the rules that Marxist academics first invoked in the 19th Century... Rule #1: "Never debate opponents with facts in front of an audience" (for...

Wealth, Privilege and Learning; The Law of Generations

Pascal lamented about those who are Lost and don't know they are lost, because they are not seeking to be found. You can't forget or...

What is to be Done?- A New Era of Founders

(A Teaching) It wasn't the Founders that created America, but "the Americans" who created the Founders, and anointed their ability to create not only a...

Natural Law and Gays in the Herd, Part I

The "Lemming suicide story" is largely myth...No, they don't rush off cliffs in Norway, throwing themselves into the sea in order to kill themselves....

The Law of Generations, Up-Beat Thinking about Beating the Left

The up-beat thinking. If you are on Twitter and have any interest in history, you know Dr Larry Schweikart, popular author of several histories, especially...