The Timeline of Freedom, How and Why

  I want to tell this story as it was seen and heard the first time in a classroom filled with black mothers, and their...

As Human Freedom Dangles Precariously from the Tree of Liberty…

...just what are the key elements that certifies that we are a free people, in charge of our own affairs? That has been from the...

When Madison Avenue Moved Heaven and Hell to Snare Millennials from the Abyss of...

My wife and I stumbled across a 2001-2002 drama series on one of our movie networks. It was called "Nero Wolfe" by Rex Stout,...

Original Grounds for the National Divorce Were Known in 1775

This "national divorce" series will continue with more essays, and as I will remind you, it has been a topic of mine for several...

Linking Victor Davis Hansen’s “Thermidor Reaction in Jacobin America” to the Law of Generations

Victor Davis Hansen's "Thermidor Reaction in Jacobin America", reprinted here, explained in vivid, living color, what Americans have always found so inscrutable about the...