Ayn Rand’s Children of the Damned, a 1971 Prophecy Fulfilled
...and as I watched him on the stage
My hands were clenched in fists of rage
No angel born in Hell
Could break that...
The Comprachicos (updated); The Gomarrah Syndrome
This will not be one of my typical long explanations as to why the Left does what it does.
On April 19th, 1995 (Hitler's birthday)...
Darwin Agrees With God About Man’s Thirst for Liberty
(Note: I’m trying to reformat a book about the Constitution and the Common Man, so I began rereading a lot of scientific literature about...
The Last Word on Nullification is that There is Never a Last Word
I sent a copy of Publius-Huldah's excellent legal essay to my son, who gobbled it up and then took the occasion of his morning...
Missionizing Millennials, Saving Ben Shapiro
Recently Rev Billy Graham said that if people are going to call themselves "Christian" it would be helpful if, from time to time, they...