How Things Work: Racism and Higher Education
I've never known a person who believed it was racist to simply notice the differentness in another person...UNTIL I began meeting people who had...
How Things Work
After spending 20 years learning how things worked on the upper floors of government (military) bureaucracy and Fortune 500 corporate management I spent another...
“Want-to”: A History Lesson on Stretching Logic Too Far
As you have noticed, especially on Twitter and other social media, a lot of conservatives of every age lead with their biases to come...
Bart Simpson be Damned, Twitter be Double-damned
I started out with a piece on applying logic to fact-finding from a by-gone historian's persective and ended up with this. I thought it...
American Apologetics, Reverse Engineering History
God's fingerprints are all over America as it was founded. And other than the nastier DNA he'd injected into individual men thousands of years earlier,...