The Law of Generations and the 3-Generation Rule; A Message to Millennials

I'm a Baby Boomer, and our hourglass is running out. I had begun a piece about modern Millennials, actually a positive one, then realized...

Winning the Fight Against Critical Race Theory (Guest Essay)

(A recent news radio show interviewed a Virginia poll-watcher who stated that the teaching of Critical Race Theory-CRT- may turn several prominent affluent suburban...

Will there be any 9-11 Observances in 2041?

I was born 169 years after the Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4, 1776. I remember my first 4th of July celebration...

Is this really a Pandemic?

What's being sold is that "Pandemics" are bad, bad, bad. I don't want to get too lawyerly, but a pandemic is defined as an...

Science vs Natural Law and the Thin Red Line

Whether they are aware or unaware of how the Pentateuch (the first five books of the Old Testament--Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy) was...