Fascism vs Communism, First Principles, Getting the Understanding Straight
Unlike Communism, which was the love child of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, Fascism had no real solid parentage, just a mishmash of European...
The “Politics” of Global Cooling…
...which according to Nature and Natural Law, has begun.
This guy's name is Peter Temple, and there is a 2015 and 2019 version, only mildly...
Science and History and Facts
Science began as a logical and reasoned inquiry into how Nature works. Isaac Newton and gravity always comes to mind first with me. You'll...
The Iffiness in Science that makes Everything a Coin Flip
I have several fits-and-starts in my stack of stuff, all centering around scientific debates not just about how human history is written, but how...
The “Nourished by Outrage” Crowd, It’s Time for them to Sort Themselves Out
You all recognize this young lady...
...in response to what else?
Sweetie Pie has always been my poster girl for a generational mindset of psychological imbalance...