Self-Radicalize; When You Don’t Have Anything Better to Do
(Photo: Ahmed Khan Rahami, 29, convicted in October 2017 of the September 2016 New York City and New Jersey bombings, injuring 30).
In 1992 I...
If It Sneaks in the Night like a Raid, and Targets Like a Raid
It's a raid. Dammit.
And not a war.
A raid is designed to achieve a limited objective. Raids are not impetuous, born of anger or moral...
I’m Not a Big Fan of Paul Manafort, but…
(There are lies, and damned lies….” -Mark Twain)
I’m absolutely delirious in my dislike for the Associated Press.
And it’s all about honesty and dishonesty.
Now, personally...
Syria’s Three (3) Bad Guys Exposed
There were always two bad guys in Syria, ever since the Assad family took over the Ba'ath Party and created a military dictatorship in...
Baathist Syria vs. the Muslim Brotherhood, Part II
The Baathist Party of Syria, under Hafez al-Assad took power in Syria in 1970. The are an old style dictatorial regime ruling with an...